Fair Anita Fourth Annual Benefit Report

Fair Anita Fourth Annual Benefit Report

As a social enterprise and Public Benefit Corporation, we're for-profit AND for-good.

Our mission is legally-defined as "empowering under-resourced women through our supply chain and business operations." Each year, we report our organization's impact to the state of Minnesota.

View the full report for 2018 here.

Highlights include:

  • Investing over $314,954 in our artisan partners around the world (in one year alone!)
  • Growing our sales by 2x
  • 52% of our artisan partners were able to employ more women as a result of working with Fair Anita
  • 100% of our customers say they're likely or very likely to recommend Fair Anita to a friend
  • One artisan testimonial: "Because of fair trade work, we're able to raise our children differently. We're able to provide them with education. We have a better living standard than before. Before, the small children didn't have shoes to wear, but now, the children go to school and have clothes to wear.  We have our own transport, a motorbike.  We're able to save some of our earnings and invest in buying more animals, like chickens and cows." - Cambodia 

+ so much more! Read about all of our highlights from 2018, statistics on our work with artisans, testimonials, and strategic growth plans for 2019 in our Fourth Annual Benefit Report.

Thank you for your support of our mission!

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